Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Why Taking “Before” Photos is Important for the Challenge

Vilmos March 18, 2023
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Pictures have the power to convey a message that words cannot. Before starting the challenge, taking “before” photos as a record of your starting point is essential. These pictures will show your progress and how hard you’ve worked to achieve success in weight loss.

We recommended taking full-body shots from head to toe. It’s best to wear form-fitting athletic or swimwear for consistency in the before and after photos. The photographic area should also be well-lit to ensure the photos’ details are visible.

The background, such as a white wall, should be plain and straightforward to emphasize the transformation. Try to capture the most extraordinary change possible in the after photos. Stand confidently and smile, as you should be proud of your progress.

In summary, taking “before” photos is a critical step in the challenge, and it will help you visualize and document your progress and motivate you throughout your journey.

Our 60-day challenge is a complete kickoff weight loss system designed to give you the tools to achieve your goals. 

Goal setting involves the development of an action plan designed to motivate and guide goals through this challenge.

Take a moment to write your goals.

With this Dear Healthier Me Challenge, you can transition into a maintenance phase with your customized plan. You can maintain your weight loss progress by consistently journaling, tracking your food intake, improving your habits, and keeping up with your exercise routine. If you find that you’re not meeting the expectations you’ve set for yourself, don’t worry. You can re-evaluate your plan to keep yourself challenged and motivated to grow. Choose small, achievable action steps that will help you reach your goals, and remember that these steps will change as you progress toward your ultimate goal. To help you stay on track, we offer various resources, such as our group forum and the self-guided ProCoach App, which provides daily activities and accountability tracking by a certified nutrition coach. Remember, evaluating your progress and adjusting your plan is essential. At the end of each week, take the time to reflect on your achievements and areas for improvement and make any necessary changes to ensure your continued success.