Lesson 3, Topic 3
In Progress

Tips During Detox

Vilmos March 20, 2023
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Preparation is key! Plan, review recipes, and get creative.

Make soups or veggie platters in advance to have items ready to go during the week.

  • Preparation is key! Plan, review recipes, and get creative.
  • Make soups or veggie platters in advance to have items ready to go during the week.
  • Step away from the three-meals-a-day mindset. Food is food, so eat at regular intervals. You may need to eat every two hours. As long as you follow the guidelines, you may eat all the vegetables you want!
  • Don’t skip meals or allow yourself to go hungry. There is plenty of food you can eat! The goal is to normalize your metabolism and release fat. To do this, you must feed your body regularly, and skipping meals will encourage fat storage.
  • Add cucumber or mint leaves to water or fruit to unflavored seltzer for flavor.
  • Seasonings help spice up your meals. Suggestions: garlic, lemon, dill, basil, mint, sea salt, pepper, yellow mustard, or low sodium soy sauce, along with other spices and herbs.
  • Avoid store-bought condiments or dressings, which typically contain large amounts of hidden fats or sugars.
  • Use this time to meditate, read motivational books, listen to relaxing music, and engage in other stress-reduction activities.
  • In the beginning, you may feel more tired due to the detoxification process, but you should feel more energetic by the end of your detox.
  • Refer to the detox recipes for dressings, marinades, soups, and other exciting detox dishes.
  • Connect with others in this community, and you may find an accountability partner.


You may think adding so many vegetables will make you run to the bathroom, but this is not true! You will not be tied to the bathroom during this detox! The goal is to become regular, not over or underactive. Because there is a bulk in the fibrous vegetables you consume during detox, some people may feel constipated. Don’t worry! Here are some things to consider:

Are you drinking enough water?

  • Are all your veggies raw? Cooking them may aid in their breakdown.
  • Consider nutritional support. Supplements that may be helpful include: