Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Be Specific

Vilmos March 18, 2023

It’s essential to be specific about what you plan to do. Instead of setting a general goal, like “I’m going to exercise” or “I will drink more water,” specify what you plan to do and when.

For example, you could say, “I’m going to walk 25 minutes after dinner Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evening this week,” or “I am going to drink eight cups of water every day this week.” These specific goals help to give you a clear direction and allow you to track your progress.

It’s also essential to make sure your goals are achievable and realistic. Instead of setting an unrealistic goal, like losing a large amount of weight quickly, break it down into smaller, more achievable steps. For example, you could set a plan to lose 1-2 pounds per week by reducing your calorie intake and increasing your physical activity.

In addition to being specific and achievable, your goals should also be meaningful to you. Take the time to think about why you want to achieve this goal and how it will benefit you. A plan can help you be motivated and focused on your goal.